Proven Energy Procurement Solutions for your Customers

  • Empower your customers with access to a wholesale bidding market, where Energy Retailers compete to offer the best rates for new commercial customers.
  • Leverage AECO Energy’s 15 years of market expertise and strong retailer relationships to provide tailored, top-tier energy procurement services.

Switch streamlines the process by professionally presenting your customer’s unique energy profile to a competitive market of energy retailers.

Did You Know?

If a business’s energy contract is left to expire, they will automatically move onto expensive Default Rates. Default Rates serve as a fallback option for businesses who fail to engage with an energy retailer.

Switch Benefits:

Cost Savings

Execute a reverse auction or tender through AECO’s bidding platform, BidPro, to induce competition. AECO’s access to negotiated rates from partner retailers empowers your customers to choose the best rates for their business.

Market Expertise

Benefit from AECO’s team of engineers with technical local market expertise. We provide an expert analysis of your customers’ consumption and load profile for better energy retailer offers and guide them to make data-led, informed decisions when securing their next electricity contract.

Solar Feed-In Tarrif

Secure the highest feed-in tariff possible through a tender in situations where your customers have on-site solar.

Multi-Site Tender

Whether it’s one or multiple sites, Switch can help businesses achieve the best result possible.

How Switch Works

Submit Market Request

Initiate a reverse auction for your customers’ next energy contract.

Energy Acquisition Summary

Review the best available contract options in the market.

Secure Energy Contract

Secure the new energy contract, direct metering agreement, and services contract.

Earn Income as a Channel Partner

Electricity Plus Program

The Electricity Plus Program (EPP), tailored to meet your business’s unique needs, offers best practice and comprehensive reporting solutions for businesses of all sizes. From basic account management and reporting to advanced live power quality monitoring, we ensure your operations run smoothly and prevent major disruptions.

Available in four tiers with varying levels of service, Electricity Plus Programs (EPP), provides a curated suite of solutions designed to help you reduce costs, make informed decisions, and minimize operating risks, ultimately increasing your profitability. Our team of experts, analysts, and engineers ensures you receive the best solutions tailored to your business needs.

As a Channel Partner and Customer Service Provider for AECO Energy, you will receive support and co-branded reports to assist you in offering the EPP service.

Help your customers secure the lowest cost energy contract while driving revenue growth for your business. Empower your customers today.

Enquiries? Talk to us

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